DiscoverDr Phillip J Huggins SermonsAug 16, 2020 | When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong | 2 Cor 12:1-10
Aug 16, 2020 | When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong | 2 Cor 12:1-10

Aug 16, 2020 | When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong | 2 Cor 12:1-10

Update: 2020-09-04


Summary | When I am Weak, Then I am Strong | 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Paradise -The dream of heaven  v 1-4

Paul Boasts of his Weakness  v 5-6  

Pray  v 8-9

  • Thorn in the flesh to keep humble – Have no idea what that was.  Migraine headaches, eye trouble, malaria, epilepsy have all be seriously suggested
    1. A messenger of Satan to buffer me – to keep me from exalting myself! Need to be careful that we do not blame everything on Satan
    2. Bad things can be brought by God for our good
    3. Paul came to see this thorn as God’s way of keeping him humble and dependent on the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This passage makes several sharp points of application:
      • Suffering can be used by God to make us more humble
      • God does not always answer our prayers the way we wish
      • God never causes us to go through painful circumstances without giving us the grace to overcome them.
  • Prayed three times
  • Answered prayer
    1. My Grace is sufficient for you
    2. God wanted Paul to find comfort and security in the grace he had received in Christ – the same thing god desires for all believers.
    3. God’s denial of Paul’s request turned out to be to Paul’s greater good because it was to God’s greater glory
    4. Power is made perfect in weakness. 
    5. Throughout Scripture God delights in displaying His power in situations where human strength is weak. When God’s people are weak, then God’s strength becomes evident.

Power  v 10

  • Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, insults, distresses, persecutions, difficulties
  • These were causes for joy because in these times of weakness, Paul was strong in the power of God 
  • Therefore I am well content with … for Christ’s sake

When I am weak, then I am strong

  • Paul may have been dead or barely alive – weak – It was then that he saw vision of heaven – strong. 
  • Paul had thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan – weak – that he learned My Grace is sufficient, that power is perfected in weakness.  Paul was well content with weaknesses, insults, distresses, persecution, difficulties, for Christ sake – power.
  • I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength
  • The 12 were nobodies, weak, but became Apostles upon whom church is built
  • John the Baptist put idea of when I am weak then I am strong like this “He must increase but I must decrease.”  
  • I am overwhelmed.  There is nothing too hard for God

In your life, day by day, moment by moment; remember 

When I am weak then I am strong 

But the flip side is also true.  He that thinks he stands take head lest he fall.  Pride goes before a fall and a haughty attitude before destruction.  The way up is down, and the way down is up.  Depend upon Christ, lean on the omnipotent, omniscient God and you will learn and live 

When I am weak then I am strong









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Aug 16, 2020 | When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong | 2 Cor 12:1-10

Aug 16, 2020 | When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong | 2 Cor 12:1-10

Dr Phillip J Huggins